Friday, August 20, 2004

tonight was our last game of softball. it was our last because we lost - 13-1. Hunter made the one and only run for our team on his first at-bat, when he hit a home run. at the bottom of the ... 4th inning, was it? We had been up to bat, and had gone 3 up, 3 down, and were back out in the field. they hit, like, 4 or 5 balls out to me ... and i missed all but the last one -- it was a fly ball (the other were as well, just too far or too fast for me) ... and i happened to be at the right place at the right time, and caught the ball!!! it was for their third out. what a great feeling! then the same guy whose hit I caught caught MY hit at my last at-bat. turnabout is fair play. the picture is a recreation of the events for the sake of posterity ... i was MUCH further out in right field when the original event actually took place!  Posted by Hello

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