Saturday, December 29, 2007

What's your theological worldview?

You scored as a Neo orthodox

You are neo-orthodox. You reject the human-centredness and scepticism of liberal theology, but neither do you go to the other extreme and make the Bible the central issue for faith. You believe that Christ is God's most important revelation to humanity, and the Trinity is hugely important in your theology. The Bible is also important because it points us to the revelation of Christ. You are influenced by Karl Barth and P T Forsyth.

Neo orthodox 68%
Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan 64%
Emergent/Postmodern 61%
Roman Catholic 39%
Classical Liberal 39%
Modern Liberal 39%
Charismatic/Pentecostal 36%
Reformed Evangelical 11%
Fundamentalist 4%

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