Monday, March 29, 2004

It was an eventful Sunday. Mondays are becoming more and more 'recovery days'. Depending on how they go, I'm wiped out (in the BEST sense of the word) come Monday morning.

Actually finished the message at 1 AM, so I got more sleep than I have usually been getting before getting up to unlock the lock on the front door of the sanctuary (the building was broken into Friday night after Isabel paid us a visit last September, some cash was taken, and the front and office doors were both busted in at the locks, and we've just now gotten the office door replaced. We're going with metal replacement doors on the front of the building, but with the sunburst windows in the tops ... they should be arriving within the next 3 weeks or so ... HOPEFULLY).

After church we ran over to Totuskey church for a farewell luncheon for Jane and Jimmy Dunn, who've been there a little less than 13 years, then ran back here to get ready for and go to the Encuentro at Menokin church.

Had a wonderful time, played longer than we usually do, but needed it, since we usually don't get to play as long as we'd LIKE. They put on a fish fry for us, and that was great. Devotional/worship time went well also. Menokin is one of the older buildings in the association (1837) so it is on a very small scale ... sanctuary is maybe 25 feet from side to side, and maybe 40 feet front to back, with a balcony ... very close quarters, made for a real sense of intimacy and closeness ... read from 1 cor 12:12 & ff, about diversity in the body of Christ, and how it is a direct reflection of GOD's creativity to be able to look at each other and SEE the differences - the skin, the hair, the language, and still know that we love and serve the same God, and hold the same Lord.

Made Leslie cry. Always a significant determinant factor. ;-)

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